British Prostitute Deported from U.S. for Having Sex with 14-Year-Old


A British woman is being deported from the U.S. after being convicted of having sex with a 14-year-old who hired her to help him lose his virginity.

Sarah McGill, 28, of Scotland, faced up to 15 years in an American prison for the sex act, but wound up being sentenced in Orlando, Florida, on Wednesday to five years of probation and asked to leave the U.S. immediately, the Mirror reported Thursday.

The judge’s ruling came after McGill, a hypnotherapist who moonlighted as an escort, was convicted of lewd or lascivious battery for offering to take the 14-year-old boy’s virginity for $480 at an Orlando hotel in April.

She was initially scheduled to go to trial in September after denying the charges, but reportedly broke down in a two-hour interview with police officers and said she felt “terrible” upon finding out the boy was a minor, insisting she did not know his age before they met.

“I’ve never been in handcuffs or anything like that so it’s scary for me. I think I should leave the country and I think I should be told off. I don’t want to go to jail. I’m really scared,” McGill reportedly told the police.

McGill added in the interview that she had been traveling alone throughout the U.S., but claimed she had been sightseeing.

The Scottish hypnotherapist-turned-prostitute was due to appear in Orange County Court for a pre-trial hearing Wednesday, but prosecutors reportedly inked a sweetheart plea deal with McGill allowing her to plead guilty to five years’ probation and leave the U.S. immediately.

As part of her plea deal, McGill’s probation was set to end as soon as she left the U.S., according to the Mirror. Although McGill reportedly left the U.S. for the U.K, it is unclear what her specific travel plans are.